兔子新春贺岁。画面中心是一只毛色洁白如雪、耳朵粉嫩的兔子,身上穿着一件带有金色丝线绣着福字的红色唐装肚兜,脚蹬红色小棉靴。它双手捧着一个大大的金色福字,福字上有红色的中国结装饰。兔子眼睛圆润明亮,眼神灵动俏皮,脸上洋溢着开心的笑容。背景是传统中式新年场景,红色的大门贴着喜庆的春联,门口挂着两个大红灯笼,旁边的梅花树开满粉色梅花,飘落的花瓣在兔子周围飞舞。整体色调以红色、金色为主,光影柔和,营造出温馨欢快的新春氛围 。
### 温馨文艺风亲爱的家人们:旧岁将辞,新春渐近!回首2024,我们共同走过的点滴,皆成珍贵回忆。那些欢笑、泪水,让家的意义在心中愈发深沉。家,是永远的避风港,是心中的温暖灯火。2025,愿爸妈身体硬朗,笑颜常开,疲惫尽散。愿孩子们如朝阳般茁壮成长,学习进步,快乐相随。新的一年,让我们多些相聚,同赏美好,共迎挑战。平安喜乐,幸福相伴,携手迈向更美的明天!爱你们的[你的名字]### 幽默风趣风嘿,家人们!2025年,来啦!咱这一家子的冒险新篇章,马上开启!过去一年,那叫一个热闹!有欢笑,有小吵,各种趣事一箩筐。但不管怎样,咱这亲情的纽带,那是越系越紧!亲爱的家人们:祥龙贺岁,福满新程!2024年,我们携手前行,共历风雨,亲情在磨砺中愈发深厚,每一个瞬间都值得铭记。展望2025,愿家庭如高山巍峨,坚不可摧;似江河奔腾,永不停息。长辈福寿安康,安享岁月;晚辈朝气蓬勃,事业辉煌。新的一年
1. 远处春山青葱,近处潺潺小溪2. 花香还未褪去,鸟儿安静不惊飞3. 山峰苍翠礼新春,水涓无声助画卷4. 春风拂绿山,溪水潺潺声音绕5. 花蕊犹未尽,鸟儿羞去藏
小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by National Geographic, Dee Nickerson style,Layered tulip slopes, pink and green colours, peaceful atmosphere,curve diffusing, curve linked smoothly, clear contours, Ripples of color diffusing, rich color diffusing, marker coloring, printmaking style, layered curves,rich color,ultra detailed, UHD,16K关键词:极简主义插图,大师作品,国家地理,Dee Nickerson风格,分层郁金香斜坡,粉色和绿色,宁静的氛围,曲线漫射,曲线连接
小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by National Geographic, Dee Nickerson style,Layered tulip slopes, pink and green colours, peaceful atmosphere,curve diffusing, curve linked smoothly, clear contours, Ripples of color diffusing, rich color diffusing, marker coloring, printmaking style, layered curves,rich color,ultra detailed, UHD,16K关键词:极简主义插图,大师作品,国家地理,Dee Nickerson风格,分层郁金香斜坡,粉色和绿色,宁静的氛围,曲线漫射,曲线连接
小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by National Geographic, Dee Nickerson style,Layered tulip slopes, pink and green colours, peaceful atmosphere,curve diffusing, curve linked smoothly, clear contours, Ripples of color diffusing, rich color diffusing, marker coloring, printmaking style, layered curves,rich color,ultra detailed, UHD,16K关键词:极简主义插图,大师作品,国家地理,Dee Nickerson风格,分层郁金香斜坡,粉色和绿色,宁静的氛围,曲线漫射,曲线连接
小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by National Geographic, Dee Nickerson style,Layered tulip slopes, pink and green colours, peaceful atmosphere,curve diffusing, curve linked smoothly, clear contours, Ripples of color diffusing, rich color diffusing, marker coloring, printmaking style, layered curves,rich color,ultra detailed, UHD,16K关键词:极简主义插图,大师作品,国家地理,Dee Nickerson风格,分层郁金香斜坡,粉色和绿色,宁静的氛围,曲线漫射,曲线连接
龙舞狮舞庆新春,中国红背景,当代,中国现代山区农村,深山野箐中,舞大彩龙,舞彩狮,挂灯笼,吹哨呐。vChinese naive folk art illustrantional , van gogh and Faith Ringgold style , collected Moma , Landscape of Guilin , People mind their own business , vivid color , fauvism , expreesionism , abstract ,4k, best quaility , ultra detailed
龙舞狮舞庆新春,中国红背景,当代,中国现代山区农村,深山野箐中,舞大彩龙,舞彩狮,挂灯笼,吹哨呐。vChinese naive folk art illustrantional , van gogh and Faith Ringgold style , collected Moma , Landscape of Guilin , People mind their own business , vivid color , fauvism , expreesionism , abstract ,4k, best quaility , ultra detailed
龙舞狮舞庆新春,中国红背景,当代,中国现代山区农村,深山野箐中,舞大彩龙,舞彩狮,挂灯笼,吹哨呐。vChinese naive folk art illustrantional , van gogh and Faith Ringgold style , collected Moma , Landscape of Guilin , People mind their own business , vivid color , fauvism , expreesionism , abstract ,4k, best quaility , ultra detailed
森系少年春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地! 小清新春天
森系少年春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地! 小清新春天
梦幻森系女孩春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地!咒语:A forest at night , in the foreground, there are beautiful flowers of various colors, and in the middle, there is a beautiful little girl emitting soft white light,a comic book panel by Dan Mumford, featured on fantasy art, night forest background, moonlit forest environment , HD, 8k ar 3:4 niji 6关键词:comic book panel by Dan Mumford-Dan 小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by Nati
梦幻森系女孩春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地!咒语:A forest at night , in the foreground, there are beautiful flowers of various colors, and in the middle, there is a beautiful little girl emitting soft white light,a comic book panel by Dan Mumford, featured on fantasy art, night forest background, moonlit forest environment , HD, 8k ar 3:4 niji 6关键词:comic book panel by Dan Mumford-Dan 小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by Nati
梦幻森系女孩春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地!咒语:A forest at night , in the foreground, there are beautiful flowers of various colors, and in the middle, there is a beautiful little girl emitting soft white light,a comic book panel by Dan Mumford, featured on fantasy art, night forest background, moonlit forest environment , HD, 8k ar 3:4 niji 6关键词:comic book panel by Dan Mumford-Dan 小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by Nati
梦幻森系女孩春光明媚,春风拂面,万物舒生,鸟雀鸣于其中,在山林当中,找个清净幽静的所在,带上一壶好酒,自在的在地饮酒,以酒敬天,敬这美丽的天地!咒语:A forest at night , in the foreground, there are beautiful flowers of various colors, and in the middle, there is a beautiful little girl emitting soft white light,a comic book panel by Dan Mumford, featured on fantasy art, night forest background, moonlit forest environment , HD, 8k ar 3:4 niji 6关键词:comic book panel by Dan Mumford-Dan 小清新春天(附咒语)兰陵美酒郁金香,玉碗盛来琥珀光。但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡。——李白,客中行咒语:minimalism illustration, master piece, by Nati